+1 609-598-0942 P. O. Box 650252, Sterling VA 20165-0252 +1 609-598-0942 P. O. Box 650252, Sterling VA 20165-0252 

A Young Member of the Community in Need of Some Assistance

[UPDATE: With the help of a generous community member, one chair is on its way to a boy, whose story is shared below. We hope to send many more inshaAllah.]

In the Name of Allah,

Al Kauser (New Jersey) is reaching out to you for your support. Al Kauser has received several requests for motorized wheelchairs for victims of terrorist attacks on our community members and/or surviving family members of martyrs. A young boy Syed Ali (full name not disclosed due to safety/privacy reasons) who lost his father and grandfather to such an attack in 2001 is suffering from a degenerative nerve disease. He is so severely paralyzed that he cannot even move his fingers and only weighs 20kg at the age of 23.

Ali was a very healthy and active child until the age of 5. He lost his father and his mobility the same year. At the age of 8, his whole body became paralyzed below the neck. His mother tried all possible treatments available in the country. At the age of 16, the doctors providing care to Ali gave up on him and, for the last 8 years, he has been bedridden.

Al Kauser, with the help of a US-based community member with a professional background in therapy and technology solutions, has identified a motorized wheelchair with the controls that Ali shall be able to use with his head movements. The chair is available well below its market price due to our dear brother’s contacts. Al Kauser needs to raise approximately $4000 before Tuesday, Nov 06, 2018, to pay for the chair and the shipping The above is a picture of a similar model of the wheelchair that Al Kauser is trying to purchase and ship to our dear brother as a gift from our community in the USA.

Please support the initiative by donating at the above link.
Al Kauser is a Charitable 501(c)3, organization (EIN 204445779)

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